What's the matter

Domestic Violence – A conversation with Petra Leschanz (Frauenservice Graz)

Sendetermin 27.11.2020 21:00 bis 22:00
K S en

SENDESCHWERPUNKT: 16 Tage gegen Gewalt an Frauen*

Favour Moriba in conversation with Petra Leschanz from Frauenservice Graz – Infocafé palaver: „Domestic Violence“ – legal aspects, where to get help, how to overcome fear, fight injustice and liberate yourself.

Podcast of the show: https://cba.fro.at/438703

If you suffer from violence get anonymous help: You might call one of the hotlines. You are not alone!

AÖF – Verein Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser

16 Tage gegen Gewalt an Frauen und Mädchen

Frauenhelpline gegen Gewalt

Information zur Sendereihe

What's the matter
Favours talkshow about life

This is a talkshow that concerns practical life, women, children, and what goes on in our Community. My show is all about bringing awareness to our people. I will be dealing with topics like violence in the home, child upbringing, Gender etc.

Archive of the show: https://cba.media/podcast/whats-the-matter

Favour Moriba

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