Radio Schallfeld

Bridging History and Present in Sound - An Interview with Alyssa Aska

Sendetermin 04.05.2021 20:00 bis 21:00
K CM de en

In this episode of Radio Schallfeld we talk with Alyssa Aska. The American-born composers studies computer music and composition in Graz with Klaus lang and Marko Ciciliani and is one of the founders of the composers' collective "facere" that have been running concerts and online events since several years. She also has been part of the "Microfest" in Prague 2020 (we briefly mentioned in our previous episode). We talk on surprises and structures, gamification and historical music, architecture and electronics and how Alyssa manages to bring those diverse things together in her music.

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Radio Schallfeld
Neue Musik für offene Ohren

Radio Schallfeld öffnet die Ohren für die Musik von heute, lauscht über den Tellerrand und klingt am Puls der Zeit. Mitglieder der jungen Grazer Gruppe "Schallfeld" präsentieren zeitgenössische Kammermusik und Klangkunst, Gespräche mit Komponist*innen und Interpret*innen, sowie Neuigkeiten aus der Neue-Musik-Szene in Graz und darüber hinaus.

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Foto © Maria Frodl

Ensemble Schallfeld

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