
Amnesia and U.S. Intervention in Central America [c/o Against the Grain]

Sendetermin 06.10.2022 19:00 bis 20:00
P W de en

With the passage of time, some things are remembered and others forgotten. In the case of Central America, argues historian Aviva Chomsky, amnesia has been consciously fostered. The long history of United States support for repressive regimes and policies often vanishes in discussions about contemporary violence in Central America and migration from the region. Chomsky contends that the history of resistance to U.S. intervention, both in Central America and the United States, also needs to be recovered and remembered.


Aviva Chomsky, Central America’s Forgotten History: Revolution, Violence, and the Roots of Migration Beacon Press, 2021

Eine Sendungsübernahme von Against the Grain / KPFA Berkeley


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Walther Moser
Email: walt@mur.at

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