Tag des feministischen Radios 2022
Sendetermin 21.10.2022 21:00 bis 22:00
Karen, member of the Abya Yala Libre Leipzig Feminist Collective, created a show to honor the traditional and fusion music of the Colombian Pacific Coast. This music is entangled with the struggles and resistances of the Afro-Colombian communities inhabiting these territories, who have protected them from institutional neglect and violence related to the armed conflict. These struggles and resistances have crystallized in the election of Francia Márquez-Mina as the first Afro-Colombian vice president in Colombia's history. She embodies a new form to understand an intersectional feminism and the opportunity to image a post-capitalist world, in which human and non-human life prevails over predatory accumulation.
Information zur Sendereihe
Feministisches Radioprogramm von Radio Helsinki mit einem Abstecher zu Radio Blau in Leipzig und zu FREIRAD in Innsbruck.
Interviews, Beiträge und Sendungen von der Genderfrequenz, GRRRLS NIGHT IN - Sounds of Feminism und aus der VON UNTEN-Redaktion - und viel Musik.
Ipek Yüksek
Website: https://helsinki.at/news/fem-radiotag22/