radio radia

#945: Entramadas Anfibias, by Léa Roger (Radio Panik)

Sendetermin 26.05.2023 14:30 bis 15:00


At the debut of 2023, we conducted expeditions with our microphones in the Tariquía and Carrasco National Parks, located in Andean forests and mountain jungle (Yungas) in Bolivia. We found ourselves in the heart of the paradoxes of conservation, far from a romantic view. The Carrasco National Park is an ecological corridor where the last specimens of the Sehuencas frog are found, in danger of extinction by a construction of large hydroelectric plant while the Tariquía National Reserve is threatened by hydrocarbon extractivism. Communities try to resist to the interventions of the companies.

This sound-poetic piece created by two hands, seeks an ecology of encounter to build new relationships with others – humans, animal species, plants and the elements.
At once a journey, a sensory and perceptive multispecies interpretation, this sound piece is part of a political reflection.
We consider this contemplative soundscape as a therapeutic device, where we seek to hear what the landscape diffuses in us.
Our intention emerges from the muddy depths of a reality operated by predatory, extractivist, neoliberal and colonial logics, where the coexistence between the human and the non-human diverges between dense veils that keep us in a loop of disconnection and bewilderment.

Become spirals in the meantime. From the depth of darkness towards a radiant, vibrant dawn. From the great pulse of this planet to the infinite spiral of the cosmos, dancing in the organic and non-organic rhythmic of existence and enjoying the transformation of sound matter into a substance that ceases to be what it is, to be reborn in its infinite possibilities.

Recorded and composed by Léa Roger (Be) & Cristina Canedo (Bol)
Mixed by Léa Roger

Léa Roger is a Belgian sound artist, experimental harpist and electro-acoustic composer. She likes to play with the unpredictable aspects of sound through physical experiments that mix energy flow, psycho-acoustics and sound ecology.

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radio radia
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