Tinted Trails Literary Stories, Chapter One
Sendetermin 29.10.2023 14:00 bis 15:00
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After almost five years of publishing non-native literature in English in Tint Journal, the magazine is about to celebrate a new milestone: a print anthology solely focusing on prose and poetry by non-native English writers, called Tinted Trails.
Lisa Schantl, editor-in-chief at Tint Journal, visited the Funkhaus and in today's episode, she gives us insights into the work on the magazine, shares stories from the first festival, and plays her favorite music for us.
The second part of the Tinted Trails will air tomorrow from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. We will hear from some authors and participants of the festival. They will talk about their literary writing process, why they chose English as their writing language, and they will also bring their favorite music for us.
Bob Dylan - You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
Meskerem Mees - Where I'm From
Davidge feat. Cate Le Bon - Gallant Foxes
Fraeulein Astrid - Don't Tell Me
NAPAEA - Future Tense
Portishead - Pedestal
John Cale - Dying on the Vine
(c) Tint Journal

Information zur Sendereihe
Mit dem KULTURfoyer werden zweiwöchentlich aktuelle Beiträge aus der vorwiegend heimischen Kunst- und Kulturszene präsentiert, ergänzend dazu wird das KULTURfoyer live im Helsinki Funkhaus mit musikalischen Livesessions, Diskussionsrunden und literarischem Programm dem Radio als realen Raum Gehör verschaffen.
Every two weeks the KULTURfoyer presents current contributions from the local culture scene. In addition, the KULTURfoyer live invites you to join musical live sessions, discussion rounds and literary events live at the Helsinki Funkhaus at Schönaugasse.