92,6 Hertz


Sendetermin 21.03.2022 22:00 bis 00:00

artisty - album - jahr
the mars volta - frances the mute - 2005
the deviants - human garbage - 1984
the deviants - on your knees earthlings - 1967
the deviants - have left the planet - 1999
the brian jonestown massacre - and this is our music - 2003
the brian jonestown massacre - bravery, repetition and noise - 2001
the brian jonestown massacre - give it back! - 1997
the brian jonestown massacre - their satanic majesties' second request - 1996
scott walker - scott 3 - 1969
eoc - mittelpunkt der welt - 2005

Information zur Sendereihe

92,6 Hertz
Experimente & Collagen, basierend auf der Frequenz 92,6 Hertz

Klangstruktur: Musik, Ton, Geräusch, Sprache.
oder auch anders.

Josef J. Schmelzer-Ziringer
Email: schmelz@mur.at

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