Snapshots from the Borders

Peninah's Journey to Samburu, Kenya

Sendetermin 19.05.2021 14:00 bis 15:00
P en

Join Peninah on her journey to Samburu Country, Kenya. We will listen to the people in the village, about Peninah's projects, women empowerment, like reusable sanitary towels, horticulture and seeds, bead work, jewellery. We will listen to stories about the wild dogs, children and politics.

Peninah: My trip to Kenya despite of all the hardships was one of the best things that happened to me. Visiting my family, introducing new projects and just being home made me completely very happy. I came back to Graz full of energy and Positive vibes. I feel completely like a reborn person in a very special way. Coming back here and discussing my experience with my colleagues at the Radio explaining to them what the tracks are all about made me feel like I am back at the heart of our village. And the expression of them listening to my stories were priceless. We could sit for hours talking about Samburu.

With Peninah, Gea, Simona, Saif and Walt.

Information zur Sendereihe

Snapshots from the Borders
Citizen journalism at Radio Helsinki

We are people who are commonly called migrants and asylum seekers. We want to cross borders set by definitions and get in dialogue with communities, politics, the economy, social and cultural life.

The project informs citizens that migration is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon and a political issue that requires efforts and concrete actions by people and organisations/networks at all levels of society.

Favour Moriba
Gea Gračner
Joseph Nallo
Peninah Lesorogol
Saifullahi Abdul-razaq
Simona Ďurišová
Walther Moser

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