WH: Challenges and analysis of contemporary feminism
Sendetermin 01.12.2021 07:30 bis 08:30
Bei Podcasts! hört ihr heute 52Radiominuten, der Podcast der Plattform FIFTITU%, die sich seit 1998 für bessere Bedingungen von Frauen* im Kunst- und Kulturbereich einsetzt.
Die Ausgabe vom 22.11.2021 mit dem Titel Challenges and analysis of contemporary feminism ist auf Englisch zu hören.
This year´s International Marxist Feminist Conference focused on challenges and analysis of contemporary feminism. From the 11th to 13th of November all the plenaries and panels were held online. Lorena Cabnal, Dilar Dirik and Silvia Federici were guests in the same named plenary on the opening day. 52Radiominuten is broadcasting contributions from Dirik and Federici.
Frigga Haug: Thirteen Theses of Marxism-Feminism is as voices for our “manifesto” as Marxist feminists, as Haug states. And continues that the theses published and bearing her name are the outcome of a collective process and, in themselves, just a beginning.
52Radiominuten are reading few of the theses.
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