Women on Air present: Globale Dialoge

Security and the Left: Focus on Digitalization

Sendetermin 11.11.2021 08:00 bis 09:00
U F P de en

Boosted by the COVID-19 pandemic the digitalization of our lives has accelerated rapidly. While it provides solutions to challenges of our times and it has become part and parcel of EU states response to the pandemic, the risks and threats to fundamental rights, such as privacy and the right not to be discriminated against are present and not to be overseen. Input about this topic was given by Kateřina Konečná, Member of the Euorpean Parliament and the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, Ella Jakubowska, who works as a policy officer on biometrics and AI at the European Digital Rights and Simona Levi, who is an activist and founder of Xnet, which is one of the leading Spanish projects on digital rights.

With a series of online workshops last year (2020) the transform! europe network and the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Brussels office, which consists of 39 European organisations from 23 countries, discussed “security” and explored its conception and use in contemporary politics in an interdisciplinary and transnational way.

Sendungsgestaltung: Pia Steiner

Mehr Infos: https://www.transform-network.net/publications/issue/security-and-the-left-in-europe-towards-a-new-left-concept-of-security/

Fotocredit: Ronan Shenhav (flickr)

Information zur Sendereihe

Women on Air present: Globale Dialoge
Solidarität ist weiblich und international


Die Redaktionsgruppe Women on Air wurde von ORANGE 94.0 und der Zeitschrift FRAUENSOLIDARITÄT ins Leben gerufen. Seit 2005 gestalten wir einmal wöchentlich die entwicklungspolitische Sendereihe Globale Dialoge. Darin berichten wir u.a. über internationale Frauenbewegungen und feministischen/queeren Aktivismus, werfen einen kritischen Blick auf die globalisierte Arbeitswelt und rücken das Kulturschaffen von Frauen in den Mittelpunkt – in Form von Reportagen, Beiträgen, Interviews, Veranstaltungsberichten, Live-Sendungen mit Studiogästen u.v.m.


Email: programmrat@helsinki.at
Website: http://noso.at/

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