radio radia

Show 859: The Desire Of My Heart by Manja Ristić (RadioZero)

Sendetermin 17.09.2021 14:30 bis 15:00


Where does it come from?
The impulse, plucking my neural plexus, leaving behind open doors for the algorithm of consciousness to inscribe the new path. Memories compressed in cells’ membranes, wriggle, dissolve, combust and ripen. Nothing remains in your name* until paths are cleared and psyche’s sediment is purged.

The Desire of My Heart is a collection of intimate interventions extracted from my daily life and observations of my immediate environment from the perspective of transcendental attuning. On the trace of early 20th century esoteric practices of automatic painting and writing, I build a meta narrative in three stages, using field recordings, sonification and improvisation on amplified objects, exploring and manipulating basic frequencies from electrical fields.

Instruments used –
thick jar with the ice cubes
broken radio receiver inside the thick jar with the ice cubes
home fan
radio receiver tuning to a FM scale (excerpts from HRT3 programme about WWII)
wheelchair wheel salvaged from shallow waters in the Adriatic, played with wooden sea debris, electrical coffee mixer, soft xylophone stick and a pine cone
radio receiver placed on the wheelchair wheel
cardboard tube rubbed against a window
kitchen sink
stones rubbed with the soft xylophone stick
baby megaphone toy

field recordings –
Porec marina, ventilation behind the restaurant in the park (June 2021)
hydrophone and field recorder buried in the stranded sediments of a dry Posidonia oceanica algae, Dobre vode bay, Silba island (July 2021)
St. Marco’s Cathedral church bells, Korcula town (December 2020)

instrumental excerpt from the Depression for the Bass Clarinet graphic score, interpretation Vasa Vuckovic (April 2018)

All sounds gathered, played and edited by Manja Ristić contact mic & hydrophone built by Jez riley French Mastering La Plant Studio Belgrade
August 2021

*from the poem by Liu Xiaobo – You Wait For Me With Dust

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