
The Unmitigated Power of Big Tech [c/o Against the Grain]

Sendetermin 30.06.2022 19:00 bis 20:00
P W de en

They are among the biggest companies in the world: Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon have an outsized impact on the global economy and on our daily lives. Rob Larson examines the companies that have become synonymous with the glories and ills of contemporary capitalism. He makes the case for online socialism.


Rob Larson, Bit Tyrants: The Political Economy of Silicon Valley Haymarket Books, 2020

Eine Sendungsübernahmen von Against the Grain, KPFA Berkeley


Information zur Sendereihe

Freiraum, Werkstatt, Labor, Bühne, Lernraum

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Walther Moser
Email: walt@mur.at

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