Snapshots from the Borders
A challenging little Island: Interview with Alice. Pt1
Sendetermin 21.11.2022 10:00 bis 11:00In this week's episode of Voices Of Mytilini our guest is Alice, who is the coordinator of Welcome Office. The interview will be broadcast in two parts, with this one being the first. Topics for this part include the Welcome Office project and the challenges and changes for organizations such as Welcome Office over the years.
Next broadcast by VC Mytilini will be on Monday the 5th of December.

Information zur Sendereihe
We are people who are commonly called migrants and asylum seekers. We want to cross borders set by definitions and get in dialogue with communities, politics, the economy, social and cultural life.
The project informs citizens that migration is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon and a political issue that requires efforts and concrete actions by people and organisations/networks at all levels of society.
Favour Moriba
Gea Gračner
Joseph Nallo
Peninah Lesorogol
Saifullahi Abdul-razaq
Simona Ďurišová
Walther Moser