Sterrrn Festival Radio 2022
Der Überblick über den zweiten Festivaltag || Discussion: It is not my revolution if I can't dance”: festivals and activism
Sendetermin 26.06.2022 12:45 bis 14:40
Die Sterrrn-Festival-Redaktion meldet sich live vom Skulpturenpark und gibt euch einen Überblick über den zweiten Festivaltag.
Danach folgt eine Diskussion (auf Englisch):
“It is not my revolution if I can't dance”: festivals and activism
Lidija Krienzer-Radojević in conversation with Tea Hvala and Urška Lipovž
Since the mid-1990s, festivals have boomed as the most recognizable form of expression of activism. This trend is particularly evident in the case of feminist, women's, LGBTQ+, and queer activism, where festivals are used as a tool to challenge the patriarchal and heteronormative order of gender roles, expressions, and practices. Their modes of organization and production vary widely, from numerous do-it-yourself (DIY) festivals - low-cost events designed to empower the community - to established festivals showcasing professional and selective art productions. And yet they all have the same goal: to bring together activists, artists, art practices and theories, to share knowledge and practice, and simply to have fun. How this microcosm of diverse festivals works and why festivals are such a popular form to address political agendas is what we want to discuss with Tea Hvala and Urška Lipovž, activists and organizers of diverse festivals in Slovenia. With them, we want to talk about the importance of festivals for oppressed communities; their potential to address issues of gender and sexual inequality; the role of fun and humor in festivals; and their potential for stronger political action.
Tea Hvala | Foto © Nada Žgank

Information zur Sendereihe
Das Festivalradio live aus dem Skulpturenpark in Premstätten: Unsere Festival-Redaktion bringt euch die Konzerte und Diskussionen vom Sterrrn-Festival ins Wohnzimmer (nur vor Ort dabei sein ist noch schöner). DJ-Mixes von der Grrrls DJ Crew und Interviews direkt vom Festival ergänzen das Programm.
Disclaimer: Da es sich um ein Freiluft-Festival handelt, kann es wetterbedingt zu Verschiebungen im Programm kommen. Zuhören lohnt sich aber auf jeden Fall.
Redaktionskoordination: Marlies Pratter
Marlies Pratter