
impulsradio #3

Sendetermin 02.08.2023 15:00 bis 16:00
Unmoderiertes Musikprogramm

this is part three of a special mini series dedicated to the impuls festival and academy, featuring music & statements from participants, visitng artists and tutors of the impuls community.

the impulsradio series is curated by members of Ensemble Schallfeld


Music by: Sachie Kobayashi, Ni Zheng, Kaev Kroot-Kaert, Ernolfur Thorsson, Paula Pinero

host: Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka


picture: gallery concerts, image: Werner Korn

Information zur Sendereihe

Zeitgenössische Kompositionsmusik


In Kooperation mit dem impuls Festival Graz.


Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka

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