Women on Air present: Globale Dialoge

Xenophilia with xeno bitch

Sendetermin 01.06.2023 08:00 bis 09:00
U F P de en

xeno bitch is a queer migra rapper based in Barcelona, Catalonia, who just brought out their first single “Queer Immigrant”. On 14th June their first EP “Xenophilia” will follow. Time to talk about how they rediscovered their creativity and  finally found their way to music and rap. Originally from Romania, xeno bitch addresses in their art and music intersectional forms of oppression, the communist era in Romania and the existence of queer people in rural areas throughout time. With Andreea Zelinka they talked about the unnecessary romanticization of authoritarian communism in parts of the Western left, and that everyone is responsible to take part in dismantling everyday oppressive structures. Sounds like a lot? xeno bitch’s art is dense, full of culture, fearless and one thing in particular: to the point. 

In conversation: xeno bitch is a rapper from Barcelona, you can find them on Instagram @xeno___bitch

Check out: “Queer Immigrant” on Bandcamp or Spotify, and their music video on Youtube


M.I.A. – Borders

Maria Tănase – Ciuleandra

xeno bitch – Queer Immigrant


Sendungsgestaltung: Andreea Zelinka

Fotocredit: Alice Daneluzzo / Milan Cail

Information zur Sendereihe

Women on Air present: Globale Dialoge
Solidarität ist weiblich und international


Die Redaktionsgruppe Women on Air wurde von ORANGE 94.0 und der Zeitschrift FRAUENSOLIDARITÄT ins Leben gerufen. Seit 2005 gestalten wir einmal wöchentlich die entwicklungspolitische Sendereihe Globale Dialoge. Darin berichten wir u.a. über internationale Frauenbewegungen und feministischen/queeren Aktivismus, werfen einen kritischen Blick auf die globalisierte Arbeitswelt und rücken das Kulturschaffen von Frauen in den Mittelpunkt – in Form von Reportagen, Beiträgen, Interviews, Veranstaltungsberichten, Live-Sendungen mit Studiogästen u.v.m.


Email: programmrat@helsinki.at
Website: http://noso.at/

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