
The Yellow School Bus [c/o Against the Grain]

Sendetermin 30.11.2023 19:00 bis 20:00
P W de en

What was the most powerful technology introduced into schools in the past century? You might answer the computer, or something like Zoom, or even the slide projector. But scholar Antero Garcia argues that it was the humble yellow school bus. Buses have been central to the struggle to desegregate education. And school buses are a zone — and mainly an unnoticed one — in which many working class children and children of color spend a significant part of their day. (Encore presentation.)


Antero Garcia, All through the Town: The School Bus as Educational Technology University of Minnesota Press, 2023

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von KPFA Berkeley, Against the Grain


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Walther Moser
Email: walt@mur.at

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