radio radia

#935: Can we talk, dear AI? (by Chuse Fernandez, TEA FM Radio Workshop)

Sendetermin 17.03.2023 14:30 bis 15:00


Artificial Intelligence is surrounding our lives almost without realizing it. Perhaps we are at that turning point and even of “no return”.

What we are going to listen to next is a simple experiment in which we are going to talk about train travel with an AI. Will we be able to engage in a real conversation or, on the contrary, will we be talking to a mirror or one of those talking dolls with engraved phrases?

We are watching the death of art take place before our eyes. If creative jobs are no longer safe from machines, even the most highly skilled jobs are in danger of becoming obsolete. What will we have left?

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radio radia
Internationale Radiokunst zum Selbsthineinhören

"radio radia" ist eine Radiokunstsendung, in der wöchentlich internationale Radiokunst zu hören ist. Die 30-minütigen Sendungen werden hierbei vom internationalen Radiokunstnetzwerk "Radia", dem auch Radio Helsinki angehört und bei dem internationale Radiostationen in den USA, Kanada, GB, Italien, Deutschland, etc. abwechselnd für einander Radiokunst produzieren, zur Verfügung gestellt.



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