
#39: To prevent is better than to cure [c/o unpolluted on air]

Sendetermin 31.07.2023 08:00 bis 09:00
P W de en

The Unpolluted on Air podcast production on Radio MARŠ concludes, at least for the first series, with a “trash talk” episode. Slovene does not have an adequate equivalent for the phrase, but Alja and Jan are joined by more than adequate guest: Katja Sreš, the president of the Ekologi brez meja (Ecologists without borders) association. It was founded 13 years ago through an all-Slovene action called Očistimo Slovenijo which resonated strongly through the Slovene public. Today, the main line of work for the association is “zero waste”. About the latter, the trash in nature and in cloud, about Maribor trash and 2. Reuse Festival in Maribor, in the penultimate episode of the series.

The show is in slovenian language

Voices: Alja, Katja, Jan
Editing: Jan


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Walther Moser
Email: walt@mur.at

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