radio radia
#953: Momentum: Deutsche, by Nat Grant
Sendetermin 15.07.2023 15:30 bis 16:00
This work is the latest in a 10 year long exploration of daily life and travel through sonic journaling. Momentum: Deutsche was created during two weeks in Recklinghausen and Berlin in May and June 2023 and features many layers of field recordings, digitally altered and collaged.
The five previous Momentum releases can be found at
Dr. Nat Grant is a composer and sound artist working on unceded Wurundjeri country, Naarm/Melbourne (AU), producing works for live performance, recording and broadcast, digital arts, and community arts. Nat’s work focuses on the creation of multidisciplinary and longform musical compositions, performance events, and installations using traditional and graphic notation as well as improvisation.

Information zur Sendereihe
"radio radia" ist eine Radiokunstsendung, in der wöchentlich internationale Radiokunst zu hören ist. Die 30-minütigen Sendungen werden hierbei vom internationalen Radiokunstnetzwerk "Radia", dem auch Radio Helsinki angehört und bei dem internationale Radiostationen in den USA, Kanada, GB, Italien, Deutschland, etc. abwechselnd für einander Radiokunst produzieren, zur Verfügung gestellt.