Between the Jigs and the Reels

Something Old Something New

Sendetermin 05.12.2014 18:00 bis 19:00
F de en

A second round of tunes from past programmes, and a few new ones too, as a way to say a fond farewell to the old Radio Helsinki.. whose mixing desk I had kind of got the hang of, and to welcome in the new studio in Schoenaugasse 8 - full of new.. and cool but scary digital radio technology! This Friday's playlist is once again/as always(!) an eclectic mix and includes some Irish, Portuguese, American, and French sounds. 34 year old amazingly talented Bulgarian composer Dobrinka Tabakova ends the show. 
As usual CET 18.00-19.00. Wir sehen uns 

Information zur Sendereihe

Between the Jigs and the Reels
Irish/ Celtic/ Worldmusic/ Other

Inter-Celtic; Inter-cultural; Other.

Micro: Around the world in einer Stunde, this hour of music dances, rolls and sometimes even races from Irish to Celtic, to World and - any Other type of music that just - sounds good!

So join the dance or pull up a chair and relax. Listen to chat in English and German with cúpla focal Gaeilge ( a few words of Irish) from time to time as well.

When: Every second Friday, starting from 31 January 2014

6-7 pm on the mainland
5-6 pm back home (Ireland!)

Where: Helsinki Radio 92.6 - press play

Be there - Seid ihr mit - Bígí ann!

“ Between the Jigs and the Reels” – what’s in a name?!

“ Between the jigs and the reels” is an expression in Irish-English to mean “ between one thing and another”.
However and also importantly - in Irish traditional music a ‘jig’ and a ‘reel’ are two types of dances. A jig has three beats in a bar. A reel has four beats in a bar.

Irish culture tip no.1 – the first of many!



Niamh Martin

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