
Stuart Hall on Representations in the Media [Against the Grain]

Sendetermin 01.09.2014 10:30 bis 12:00
P W de en

Zum Ableben von Stuart Hall im Februar 2014 eine Sendung mit Stuart Hall von "Against the Grain", von C.S. Soong, Pacifica Radio - KBFA Berkeley.

The mass media represents a variety of things, phenomena, and events in certain ways, and media consumers constantly take in those representations and images. Stuart Hall investigated the nature of those representations, their impact on us, and how we can and sometimes do respond. The prominent cultural theorist and British leftist, who died in February, also linked media representations to the way power operates in society.

KBFA Berkeley, Against the Grain

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Walther Moser
Email: walt@mur.at

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