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Staying Safe So We Can Be Dangerous Together | Im Kältefieber - Februargeschichten 1934

Sendetermin 16.02.2015 07:30 bis 10:30

P R O G R A M M P R O G N O S E :

Staying Safe So We Can Be Dangerous Together
The Ex-Worker - an audio strike against a monotone world | CrimethInc. Ex-Workers' Collective

In our 34th podcast episode, we follow themes of repression, security, and resistance through several different short features. In celebration of former Green Scare prisoner Eric McDavid’s release after nine years inside, we reflect on the lessons of his case for our efforts to resist today. We share part of a recent CrimethInc. essay that assesses the possibilities and limits of whistleblowing, as well as an inspiring statement by Jason Hammond (sibling of incarcerated hacktivist Jeremy Hammond) as he heads to prison for his role in an anti-fascist action. Ramona Africa speaks to us about the MOVE 9 case and the life and death of Phil Africa, and an anarchist from Barcelona gives a report about the recent wave of repression by the Spanish state in Operation Pandora. Listeners weigh in on cable access TV, iTunes, and an insider view on security and entrapment strategies. We conclude with reflections on the lessons to be learned from these various cases and recent events on staying safe in order to be truly dangerous to authority. Plus as usual there are a lot of global news reports, event announcements, prisoner birthdays, and plenty more. {February 12th, 2015}

"Im Kältefieber - Februargeschichten 1934"
Wörtlich - Textspur | Orange 94.0

In der Anthologie "Im Kältefieber" (Picus Verlag 2014) sind Texte über den Februar 1934 gesammelt. In dieser Textspur werden einige Geschichten aus dieser Sammlung gelesen.

-"Bulgari", von Karl Wiesinger, in: Wespennest, Dez. 1973
-"Punt heißt Austand", von Prežihov Voranc, Dražavna založba Slovenija 1973
-"Karl", von Kurt Kläber, Aufbauverlag Berlin 1981, (c) Verlag Sauerländer
-"Einer gegen sieben", Anonym, in: Schutzbundkämpfer erzählen vom Februar 1934, Verlagsgenosssenschaft Ausländischer Arbeiter in der UDSSR 1937
-"Wiener Variationen", von Miroslav Kreleža, in: Literatur und Kritik, Juli 1991

- Julia Sonnleitner
- Max Winter


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