radio radia

Show 520: Spaces To Act Or Not (CFRC)

Sendetermin 18.03.2015 21:00 bis 21:30

spaces to act or not

by: Nelly Matorina

I recently discovered Caroline Nevejan’s work on presence. In the piece 8 spaces to act or not, she divides presence into three parameters: now/not-now, here/not-here, you/not-you. I was taken by the option of now/here/not-you, the immediacy and intensity of being in ‘now’ and ‘here’ surrounded by not-you. This piece contains field recordings from places where I felt surrounded by “not-you” most and wanted to act (make a sound), and then versions of just those sounds without a place. It ends with a sacred moment, I witnessed a wedding in a church in a small town in Lithuania which was open to the public despite being a private ceremony. The wedding was only 8 people, and the song I walked in during was entrancing and futuristic.

The piece contains readings from 8 spaces to act or not by Caroline Nevejan (, and samples from Paras’ Memon’s A Story from their Self-titled EP, and M Mucci’s Days Blur Together. how

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