radio radia

Show 525: Interstellar Sounds (TEA FM)

Sendetermin 22.04.2015 21:00 bis 21:30

“Interstellar Sounds” is an experimental sound work where we can hear all together sound from outer space, NASA historical archives and many other sounds and natural radio broadcasts from far stars.
It’s better to hear it with earphones and with closed eyes to rise all the details of this work.
The masterline of this radio work is the sentence “We aren’t travel in the space alone”
At the same time, humans usually think they are the center of the universe and they are seeking and searching another life outside Earth, maybe to learn from them, but why not human race could be looking for life outside to feel like a superior race.
A sound project produced by Chuse Fernandez for TEA FM Radio Workshop
Cuan o espazio suena/Interstellar Sounds ye un triballo esperimental an s’achuntan sons de l’espazio esterior, grabazions istoricas d’a NASA e atros sonius y emisions de radio d’as estrelas lexanas.
Cal ascuitar-ne con auriculars y con os guellos zarraus ta plegar a l’intenzión d’o triballo.
Que no semos solencos en a inmensidá d’o espacio ye una cosa platera de raso.
Alabéz, os umanos mos pensamos que semos o melico d’a galasia y amás amás escamos y rechiramos arredol de nusatros atrás formas de bida, puestar que ta aprender d’atrás culturas pero también puestar que rechiremos ta beyernos como sers alteros y superiors.



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radio radia
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