Between the Jigs and the Reels

Interview mit Bildhauer Samson Ogiamien

Sendetermin 22.04.2016 18:00 bis 19:00
F de en

Tune in to a very special Between the Jigs and the Reels, this week, as I interview bronze sculptor and founder of Edo Cultural Art Forum, Samson Ogiamien. Samson talks us through the tradition of the bronze guild in Benin as well as his Benin identity, both if which have served as inspiration for his upcoming exhibition 'Yaruya - here we are'.

He also answers the whats and the whys of the Edo Cultural Art Forum in Graz. A performance or two will even be thrown in for good measure.  Eine sehr interessante Stunde. Garantiert! Seid ihr mit!

Information zur Sendereihe

Between the Jigs and the Reels
Irish/ Celtic/ Worldmusic/ Other

Inter-Celtic; Inter-cultural; Other.

Micro: Around the world in einer Stunde, this hour of music dances, rolls and sometimes even races from Irish to Celtic, to World and - any Other type of music that just - sounds good!

So join the dance or pull up a chair and relax. Listen to chat in English and German with cúpla focal Gaeilge ( a few words of Irish) from time to time as well.

When: Every second Friday, starting from 31 January 2014

6-7 pm on the mainland
5-6 pm back home (Ireland!)

Where: Helsinki Radio 92.6 - press play

Be there - Seid ihr mit - Bígí ann!

“ Between the Jigs and the Reels” – what’s in a name?!

“ Between the jigs and the reels” is an expression in Irish-English to mean “ between one thing and another”.
However and also importantly - in Irish traditional music a ‘jig’ and a ‘reel’ are two types of dances. A jig has three beats in a bar. A reel has four beats in a bar.

Irish culture tip no.1 – the first of many!



Niamh Martin

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