Democracy Now!

Democracy Now! 2016-11-10 Thursday

Sendetermin 11.11.2016 00:00 bis 01:00
U KL P S en
Headlines for November 10, 2016; "Not My President": Tens of Thousands Take to Streets, Block Freeways & Rally Against Trump; Glenn Greenwald: Why Did Trump Win? Blame the Failed Policies of the Democratic Party; Glenn Greenwald: Bernie Sanders Would Have Been a Stronger Candidate Against Donald Trump; Greenwald on "Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit"; "Genuinely Terrifying Prospect": Greenwald on Palin, Giuliani & Bolton Serving in Trump's Cabinet; Bill McKibben: Trump's Presidency Comes When the Warming World Can Least Afford It

Information zur Sendereihe

Democracy Now!


Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by the journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez.

A disclaimer on Democracy Now! from the Radio Helsinki program council,
adopted by the program council on June, 20th, 2024:

In our view, Democracy Now!'s coverage of the war in Gaza sometimes crosses the line between legitimate criticism of Israeli government action and demonization of the Israeli state. At the same time, the danger posed by islamist actors in the region remains underexposed.

However, we consider the international debate on the Gaza war, including in Democracy Now!, to be important and necessary. We have therefore decided to continue broadcasting Democracy Now! on Radio Helsinki.

We would like to ask you, the listeners, to listen to the program critically. Feel free to send us feedback on the program to


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