radio radia

Show 572: Jacovitti & The Salami (Radio Klangendum/Worm)

Sendetermin 16.03.2016 22:00 bis 22:30


There is comic writer Benito’s Javovitti’s underestimated promotion of the Salami AN SICH, as a concept, as a weapon, as an ideology. And there is a growing scene of Salami awareness around the world… An underground cult that is still under the radar but will inevitably find world domination -or at least some form of tax evasion.

So with the spicy taste still in his mouth, Dr Klangendum went and looked for some entities that could explain him the basics of Salamiism.

Italian Salamist; Stefano Giannotti

Scottish Salami Scientist; Jim Whelton

One Bad Word Could Lead You To Hellfire; Sheikh Mansur Al-Salami

Research; Silvia Scaglioni

Text; LG Simonis, J Whelton

Idea, music, editing; Dr Klangendum 2

special thanks to Noodle Bar for Noodle Machine’s first assignment.

more special thanks; FVP

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