radio radia

WH: Show 574: Travel Sounds (TEA FM)

Sendetermin 06.04.2016 22:00 bis 22:30


Cuando viajas, un mundo de sonidos, ambientes y voces crece y evoluciona a tu alrededor. Es un buen ejercicio prestar atención a ese universo sonoro para descubrir aquellos detalles escindidos tras una voz de niño, una llamada de aviso o un motor lejano.


When you make a journey, a world of sounds, voices environments grows and evolves around you. It is a good exercise to pay attention to the sound universe around you to discover those details split after a child’s voice, a call warning or a distant motor.
A sound work from Chuse Fernandez with sound captures from Aragon, Spain and Colombia.


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radio radia
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