radio radia

Show 576: Lala Raščić: Evil Earth’s Notebook (Radio Student)

Sendetermin 13.04.2016 22:00 bis 22:30


Evil Earth’s Notebook is the spoken word segment of the project Evil Earth, realized by visual artist Lala Rascic during her residency in Ljubljana at the Cultural Center Tobacna and her collaboration with Radio Student.

In Evil Earth’s Notebook one hears Rascic read quotes, notes, loose associations, and custom-software generated text in the hypnotic-poetic  verbal performance exploring the notions of landscape, mountains, new optics, vertical imaging and remote perspective.

Evil Earth is a project dealing with the representation of landscape under contemporary conditions of visuality. As Marjorie Hope Nicholson outlines in Mountain Gloom, Mountain Glory, the shift in mountain attitudes in writings of the English poets of the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries came about due to advances in science and technology, Evil Earth explores the cognitive shift happening today. The basic question asked is how does our perception and understanding of nature, earth and our environment change under the influence of contemporary consumer modes of visualization and screen technologies?


The following sources and authors have been cited, paraphrased, or referenced in EvilEarth’s Notebook. In alphabetical order:

Belting, Hans; Berardi, Franco; Brand, Stewart;Byron, Lord George Gordon; Emmelhainz, Irmgard; Ettlinger, Or; Evelyn, James; Giblin, Tessa; Galison, Peter; Haraway, Donna; Internet; NASA; Nicholson, Marjorie Hope; Old Testament; Pliny the Elder; Plotinus; Schama, Simon; Schwägerl, Christian; Steyerl, Hito; Turner, Alex; Valiaho, Pasi; Wikipedia

Sound recorded at Radio Šudent, Ljubljana

Sound editing by Makis Anadiadis

Lala Rascic, 2015

The author would like to acknowledge the following persons for their contributions to the Evil Earth genesis. In alphabetical order:

Anđelković, Bojan; Bašić, Ajdin; Đorojević, Lenka; Fšk; Gregorč, Alenka; Kukovec, Dunja; Plahuta, Marko; Rica, Lina; Trebušak, Alenka



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