radio radia

Show 587: From Darkness To Light (Resonance FM)

Sendetermin 01.07.2016 14:30 bis 15:00

From Darkness To Light was written by Johny Brown and produced by Chris Brierley with extra recording by James Stephen Finn. The main voice of the piece was taken by Tam Dean Burn, other voices taken were Inga Tillere and Chris Brierley. The music was courtesy of the Band Of Holy Joy Scrap and Salvage Movement derived from a live performance devised by Tam Dean Burn. Writing credits for the music belong to Andy Astle, Christopher Brierley, James Stephen Finn and Johny Brown.

Bad Punk is a weekly one hourly show of sound collage and abstract text produced by Band Of Holy Joy and broadcast on Resonance Fm every Friday night at 10pm they can be contacted c/o and Band Of Holy Joy can be visited at



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radio radia
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