radio radia

Show 616: Rural Futurism - sonic escapade in the heart of Liminaria (Radio Papesse)

Sendetermin 03.02.2017 14:30 bis 15:00

Liminaria is a research field project set to create cultural, social and economic sustainable networks in the Fortore Area, a micro region in the province of Benevento, Italy.

At Liminaria, artists and researchers are invited to work together with local communities in building “actions” within the territory; and “actions” is what Maurizio Chiantone, Fernando Godoy, Miguel Isaza and David Velez set in place during their residency in Summer 2016.

Rural Futurism is an open ear towards their encounters in Fortore: field recordings, candid conversations, manipulated sounds, voices and noises from the villages of Ginestra and Montefalcone.
Performances, concerts and wind all merge into a 28 minutes voyage between past and present; old traditions are renewed into public performances and artists David Velez and Fernando Godoy question themselves on the importance of giving back to the local communities that have welcomed them, meanwhile a 84 years old woman recounts her history and the villages transformation.

The last part of the show takes us in the middle of the joyous cacophony that has been an itinerant bell-concert devised by David Velez and Fernando Godoy which saw the participation of the whole community of Montefalcone.
From the children to the elderly people, dozens crossed the village streets and made the them resonate once again with the rural sounds of animal bells and traditional instruments; a procession guided by the sounds of the village church-bells and a single horse-rider, a girl whom, like a modern Don Quixote, defies the present and looks at the future.

Languages: Italian, English
Length: 28 mins
Tag: Italy, traditions, future, bells, performance, live, Liminaria
Produced by: Radio Papesse
Voices: Rosa Godoti, David Velez, Fernando Godoy



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