radio radia
Show 674: Speeches by Kinga Tóth, Opcion, Patrick Wurzwallner and Max Höfler (Radio Helsinki, Graz)
Sendetermin 02.03.2018 14:30 bis 15:00Speeches
by Kinga Tóth, Opcion, Patrick Wurzwallner and Max Höfler
1. The expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds.
‘he was born deaf and without the power of speech’
1.1. A person’s style of speaking.
‘she wouldn’t accept his correction of her speech’
2. A formal address or discourse delivered to an audience.
‘he gave a speech about the company’
2.1. A sequence of lines written for one character in a play.
‘Antony’s speech over Caesar’s body’
Old English sprǣc, sprēc, later spēc, of West Germanic origin: related to Dutch spraak, German Sprache, also to speak.
speech /spiːtʃ/
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