radio radia

Show 688: Lüftung by Anna Bromley & Co. (

Sendetermin 08.06.2018 14:30 bis 15:00


Lüftung: The radio broadcast

By Anna Bromley, by, and with Jasmina Al-Quaisi, Petra Beck, Basma Elmady, Christine Eßling, Yayla Höpf, Lena Knäpper, Lena Schubert, Cindy Wegner, and Seoyoung Won.

Conceived, recorded and montaged by a group of radio-affine nGbK-visitors, the 1-hour broadcast explores the ambigue notion, and theme of the nGbK-exhibition “Left Performance Histories”.

It compiles artifacts and archival material from performances in Poland, Hungary, Jugoslavia, and Rumania between 1970 and 1989. Encountering its visual material and accompanying conference, the broadcast interweaves and montages the auditory side and texts of the exhibition with the questions and commentaries of the group, while visiting the show. How can our perspectives relate to the articulations of left critique in this setting? What has been left for us to perceive? Inhowfar did these performance come to an end, as they spark they an “archival archeology” which might be conceived as a montage in itself?



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radio radia
Internationale Radiokunst zum Selbsthineinhören

"radio radia" ist eine Radiokunstsendung, in der wöchentlich internationale Radiokunst zu hören ist. Die 30-minütigen Sendungen werden hierbei vom internationalen Radiokunstnetzwerk "Radia", dem auch Radio Helsinki angehört und bei dem internationale Radiostationen in den USA, Kanada, GB, Italien, Deutschland, etc. abwechselnd für einander Radiokunst produzieren, zur Verfügung gestellt.



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