radio radia

Show 729: Circular Thinking by Mark Vernon and Jenn Mattinson (Resonance FM)

Sendetermin 22.03.2019 14:30 bis 15:00


Using interviews and field recordings pertaining to all manner of cyclical processes, circuits, loops, spinning things and rotating machines Circular Thinking is a multi-channel work by Mark Vernon and Jenn Mattinson. The piece was commissioned by the Octopus Collective for The Hub, an outdoor ambisonic sound system situated in the town centre of Workington, UK. Sourced from across the region of Cumbria (north west England), the material used in the composition of the piece includes recordings of a potters wheel, a launderette, wind turbines, speedway races, a water mill, bicycle wheels, a clock restorer’s workshop and a tour of the Cranston’s sausage factory where they make the famous spiralled Cumberland ring sausages.



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