radio radia

Show 745: A Diary of a Billion “Nobodies” – A Document From Jean Modification (diffusionfm91.9)

Sendetermin 12.07.2019 14:30 bis 15:00

Just a minute
…can you show me this?… And that to?…and THAT….?.. I’m sorry I don’t like it.

A cup of tea, the light, the socket, the tap, a fork, a knife, a spoon, a plate, a glass, another chair, there’s no hot water, it’s too expensive, too big, too small – may I see the manager please – can you show me some more, where’s the gentleman’s convenience?

I’m hungry-during-I’m lost-and-it’s important perhaps-it’s urgent –very-not-hurry up!! There, it is-now none/it’s-soon-is it? Then it isn’t Ah/no/nothing at all. Is there– here there isn’t, there aren’t, right, there isn’t any,

I’d like a shampoo and set please



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radio radia
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