radio radia
Show 765: 3019 – a radio play by Vienna Radia Collective
Sendetermin 06.12.2019 14:30 bis 15:00Show 765: 3019 – a radio play by Vienna Radia Collective
To define a dwelling place, for a terrestrial, is to list what it needs for its subsistence, and, consequently, what it is ready to defend, with its own life if need be. This holds as true for a wolf as for a bacterium, for a business enterprise as for a forest, for a divinity as for a family.
Bruno Latour – Down to Earth
The year is 3019, the atmosphere has sunk to 50 cm, the sun burns the earth’s surface and people hide in caves and dig in the earth for food and riches of past civilizations. The elite has retreated to “red” and left the earth to the impoverished 99% and their fate. Humans long for the top, but still have to crawl because getting up is deadly. A new man enters the colony cave and messes things up. Will he possibly crawl up? And what will he find there?
Text by Barbara Huber, Karl Schönswetter & Peter Wetzelsberger
Voices by Daniela Fürst, Barbara Huber, Barbara Kaiser, Lale Rodgarkia-Dara, Jürgen Rendl, Karl Schönswetter, Peter Wetzelsberger
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"radio radia" ist eine Radiokunstsendung, in der wöchentlich internationale Radiokunst zu hören ist. Die 30-minütigen Sendungen werden hierbei vom internationalen Radiokunstnetzwerk "Radia", dem auch Radio Helsinki angehört und bei dem internationale Radiostationen in den USA, Kanada, GB, Italien, Deutschland, etc. abwechselnd für einander Radiokunst produzieren, zur Verfügung gestellt.