radio radia

Show 0799: Mix Me Tape #1 by Mazen Kerbaj (radioart106)

Sendetermin 31.07.2020 14:30 bis 15:00

Show 0799: Mix Me Tape #1 by Mazen Kerbaj (radioart106)

Mix Me Tape #1: Trumpet Solo is a piece composed exclusively from previously published trumpet solos. The original material has been cut and rearranged to form a completely new piece of music.

The used trumpet solos appeared on the albums Brt Vrt Zrt Krt (Al Maslakh – 2005), No Cuts / No Overdubs / No Use of Electronics (Discrepant – 2019) and Cuts, Overdubs and Use of Electronics (Discrepant – 2019).

Mazen Kerbaj is a Lebanese comics author, visual artist, and musician born in Beirut in 1975.
He is widely considered as one of the initiators and key players of the Lebanese free improvisation and experimental music scene. He is co-founder of Irtijal, an annual experimental music festival held in Beirut since 2001 (, and of Al Maslakh, the first label for experimental music in the region operating since 2005 ( 
As a trumpet player, whether in solo performances or with long-lasting groups like “A” Trio, Kerbaj pushes the boundaries of the instrument and continues to develop a personal sound and an innovative language.

In 2015, Kerbaj was the recipient of a DAAD one-year artist in residency in Berlin. He lives and works in the German capital since.


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