What's the matter
Favours talkshow about life
This is a talkshow that concerns practical life, women, children, and what goes on in our Community. My show is all about bringing awareness to our people. I will be dealing with topics like violence in the home, child upbringing, Gender etc.
Archive of the show: https://cba.media/podcast/whats-the-matter
Favour Moriba
13. Mai 2023:
Domestic Violence – Petra Leschanz from Frauenservice (WH)
15. Apr 2023:
Mother’s emotions
18. Mär 2023:
Differences between African and Western Leaders
25. Feb 2023:
parental love
03. Dez 2022:
22. Okt 2022:
How to deal with fear?
15. Okt 2022:
Difference but Love
17. Sep 2022:
What's the Matter on Corruption?
27. Aug 2022:
Why is the political system of Africa not reliable?
05. Mär 2022:
Snapshots from the Borders: Education: Access to and participation in society
05. Feb 2022:
Wiederholung vom 29.1.2022
01. Jan 2022:
Repetition: Special Birthday-Edition
18. Dez 2021:
Devine Favour's Christmas Show
11. Dez 2021:
WH. Childrens Day
19. Dez 2020:
Thank you for being there!
27. Nov 2020:
Domestic Violence – A conversation with Petra Leschanz (Frauenservice Graz)
16. Mai 2020:
Is love blind?
28. Mär 2020:
the importances of „i’m sorry“
14. Mär 2020:
On Marriage
29. Feb 2020:
Child’s welfare
08. Feb 2020:
The importance of "I'm sorry"
11. Jan 2020:
Domestic Violence [What’s the Matter]
21. Dez 2019:
Todays topic: Don't be too available
23. Nov 2019:
Special Birthday-Edition