Hannas bunte Kommode

Poetry Cafe: Catriona Price (Wh.)

Sendetermin 07.04.2023 11:00 bis 11:55
K W H de en

Poetry Cafe #134

Catriona Price: Hert

Playlist (texts read and music played):

  • Dedication to Catriona Price’s  Oma, Jutta Helfritz
  • ‘Hert’: Interlude
  • Catriona on ‘Hert’
  • ‘Swans’ (George Mackay Brown), set to music by Catriona
  • ‘No Such Thing as Belonging’ (Josephine Giles), set to music by Catriona
  • Neil Price on Orkney
  • ‘Hert’: ‘Venus as a Boy’ (inspired by the book of Luke Sutherland)
  • ‘Storms’ (Margaret Tait), set to music by Catriona
  • ‘Hert’: ‘Energy at the End of the World’ (inspired by the book of Laura Watts)
  • ‘If…’ (Paul Beasant), set to music by Catriona
  • Catriona on her own work
  • Reviews of Catriona’s career and work
  • Peter Maxwell Davies: ‘Farewell to Stromness’ (piano)

Sendungsübernahme aus der Sendereihe Poetry Cafe, gestaltet von Andrew und Sandra Milne-Skinner, zu hören auf Freirad (Innsbruck).

Information zur Sendereihe

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