IndieRE 2.0

#48 - Andalusian Underground Unleashed: The Debut Episode of EMA-RTV from Sevilla

Sendetermin 22.02.2023 16:00 bis 16:55
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Check out the latest radioshow from our friends at Onda Local de Andalucía (EMA-RTV) all the way from Sevilla, Spain, where they're shining a light on the hottest indie and underground music from Andalusia!

They're kicking off with the punk rockers LA URSS, followed by the Spanish-Japanese rapper Icy Amane, and the electronic beats of ATK EPOP. They'll be getting up close and personal with the flamenco-electronica duo RomeroMartín's very own gay activist, Álvaro Romero, before diving into the non-binary queer punk world of Genderlexx.

But there's more! They'll also be featuring the alternative pop sounds of Airbag, taking a bite out of the mixed-genre madness of Narco (who blend metal, hardcore, electronic, and hip hop), and finishing off with the rockin' vibes of Coyote Zora.

So tune in, turn up the volume, and get ready to discover your new favorite artists!

#indiere #creativeeurope


Onda Local de Andalucía (EMA-rtv) is an association of local and community regions from the Southern Spain (Andalucía), we are a community of 90 radios. Furthermore, we have some partnerships all over the country, such a REMC (the acronym for Spanish Community Media Net). REMC is airing INDIERE in some of their radio stations along the country too.

Your hosts for this Radio Show are Rafa Sánchez and Sonia Morales, together with technician Nuria González, we will untangle the alternative musical scene show by show. For this first edition we chose to begin with some bands from the Andalusian scene. Starting with punk band LA URSS, Spanish Japanes rapper Icy Amane, the electronic artist ATK EPOP, later interviewing gay activist Álvaro Romero from flamenco-electronica duo RomeroMartín, the the non binary queer punkGenderlexx, followed by alternative pop Airbag, then havig a taste of Narco, a band mixing Metal, Hardcore, Electronic and Hip Hop and closing with the the rock group Coyote Zora

The show starts with the punk rock band LA URSS, these four guys have been on the road for almost 20 years but, punk, as you know is not very commercial. Opening with their last single called ‘Euroorden’ released by the alternative label Humo Internacional on december, the 12th. Later on, during the show, the song ‘Más Allá del Futuro’ belonging from the same album called +is aired.

Then we introduce you to rapper Icy Amane, being half Spanish and half Japanese, this woman represents very well the good fit of the Andalusian urban music scene. She defines her music as intergalactic urban pop. All of her music is released by herself and you can snack on it with Todos Putos, her last single released on November, the 18th.

From urban styles to electropop by the hand of Atk Epop, a musician and digital creator with several side music projects. We chose his two last released singles New Year (30/12/2022) and Winter (04/01/2023); both an advance of next album under Flor y Nata Records label.

Then, we introduce our listener to a music style on the rise - electronic flamenco – by the hand of Álvaro Romero, singer of electroflamenco duo RomeroMartin. Through a short interview, Álvaro Romero expresses himself not only as a singer and a raver but as a queer activist expressing himself through the almost conceptual first album Manifiesto (2020). During this interview, it is aired single Nana del Culo from the mentioned album. Then, we listen to his last single ‘Ojitos Negros’, released last November on his new path as a solo artist.

The show continues with Genderlexx, a non binary punk band from Madrid, listening to Kuerpas and Clase Bollera from the 3rd and last album Ruido Bollero released last October under the new punk label Uterzine.

Changing from punk to indie/power pop with the band Airbag from Málaga, listening to the tracks ‘Finales Alternativos’ and ‘La Marmota Phil’ from their last album Siempre Tropical released last October.

Then, introducing Narco, they are not just a band but an institution in their home city Sevilla. Narco ’s music is a mixture of Metal, Hardcore, Electronic and Hip Hop. Their career covers almost 30 years but their music and lyrics are the opposite of mainstream. Almost all of their members have their side projects and they are a reference in the city underground scene. Their last album Parásitos was released last December, Hermanos Gomex and Supervivientes de la Escena Fatal are the tracks chosen to be aired on this show. Narco publishes their albums under the name La Balacera, a name the band uses to release their albums and the ones from their members’ side projects.

The show finishes with rock band Coyote Zora, a new band formed by experienced musicians, airing Búfalos released last December under the label Beatclap. The track belongs to their only album Futuro Incierto.


Information zur Sendereihe

IndieRE 2.0
presenting European independent music


IndieRE 2.0 – Independent Radio Exchange – is an extension of the project of the same name between 2019 and 2022. The new project continues to promote local urban music at a wider European level and to strengthen the competences of cultural workers in the field of music. It aims to enhance the cross-border exchange of non-commercial and independent music and to promote various lesser-known genres of European music.

8 European community radios & networks will expand your musical horizon with a total of 88 broadcasts, presenting musical highlights of their respective independent scene & a unique song gets special attention with the “featured song” segment.

Listen up as our musical exchange around Europe will start in February & tune in and support your local subculture scene!

Until the new project-series starts we will listen back to some of the broadcasts of the former projects.


IndieRE 2.0 is a project by Radio Študent Ljubljana (SI), Radio Student Zagreb (HR), Radio Campus France, Radio CORAX (DE), EMA RTV (ES), Near FM Dublin (IE), Civil Rádiózásért Alapítvány (HU) and Radio Helsinki Graz (AT).


Funded by Creative Europe.




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