IndieRE 2.0
#82: Unveiling Sounds from Halle to Berlin
Sendetermin 18.10.2023 16:00 bis 16:55
This IndieRE show is hosted by Radio Corax in Halle, Germany. At first, Lena gathers some Halle and Leipzig based bands together (Lafff Box, St.upid) and gets to know one of them (Two Boys) better by asking a few questions.
Apart from that, we'll discover some more newcoming and young-at-heart bands from Cologne (SMILE) and Berlin (Yfory, YELKA). Speaking of Berlin – the center of all different kinds of music and arts –, we'll have a look at the independent music label Staatsakt that celebrates its 20th birthday! The jubilee comes not only with a new album by the label founding band Die Türen (german for The Doors!) but also with a book release that gives an insight in the relationships between artists and label and so much more.
The show closes with our special category FESCH that will be served by, again, Berlin based artist Charlotte Brandi and a song of her latest – only female produced! – album »An den Alptraum«.
1. Lafff Box – Just a Fool
2. St.upid – Lying faces
3. Two Boys – Rubber lover
4. Two Boys – Dubai
5. Das Behälter – Back to normal
6. YELKA – Brasilia
7. Yfory – Chwaer Pwy?
8. SMILE – Protection
9. Die Türen – Grunewald is Burning
10. Das Kinn – 1-2 Eisberg
11. Ostseetraum – Wut
12. Ostseetraum – Leer
13. Charlotte Brandi – DER EKEL
Produced by Radio Corax, Halle (Saale)
Prepared, produced, mixed and announced by Lena Ulrich. Lena is a student of art history in Halle (Saale). She is a member of the music editorial at Radio Corax since 2021. A special interest lies in the history of punk, electronic music and music productions in capitalist societies.

Information zur Sendereihe
IndieRE 2.0 – Independent Radio Exchange – is an extension of the project of the same name between 2019 and 2022. The new project continues to promote local urban music at a wider European level and to strengthen the competences of cultural workers in the field of music. It aims to enhance the cross-border exchange of non-commercial and independent music and to promote various lesser-known genres of European music.
8 European community radios & networks will expand your musical horizon with a total of 88 broadcasts, presenting musical highlights of their respective independent scene & a unique song gets special attention with the “featured song” segment.
Listen up as our musical exchange around Europe will start in February & tune in and support your local subculture scene!
Until the new project-series starts we will listen back to some of the broadcasts of the former projects.
IndieRE 2.0 is a project by Radio Študent Ljubljana (SI), Radio Student Zagreb (HR), Radio Campus France, Radio CORAX (DE), EMA RTV (ES), Near FM Dublin (IE), Civil Rádiózásért Alapítvány (HU) and Radio Helsinki Graz (AT).
Funded by Creative Europe.