Radio Re:volt

Petra Bauman: “A poem a month is enough.”

Sendetermin 09.08.2023 14:00 bis 15:00
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“A poem a day is enough, sometimes a poem a month is enough to be read“

Petra Bauman, a poet from Maribor is in the beginning of this summer on an art residency in Graz. She walked by the radio, knocked on the door and Gea invited her in the studio. Quickly they realised they share the same mother tongue.

Gea and Petra talk about life as a poet – the beauty of observing and getting inspired by people of Graz. Petra read her poetry in Slovenian language, as well as translated poems in English and German. Ladies agreed that not just talking but especially writing poetry is way more coming from your heart when being done in mother tongue.

Information zur Sendereihe

Radio Re:volt
Radical migrant radio with passion

We intend to create common spaces where everyone can express themselves without being discriminated because of religion, language, ethnicity, class, gender and/or sexual orientation. In addition, we cooperate with other people, institutions and organizations that also operate according to these principles.


The team in Graz consists of people with international history who come together in order to support each other, join diverse events, host workshops, gain and support empowerment throughout doing radio.


We aim to be an address for all people with international history who may have been forced to leave their homeland due to war, ecological destruction, religion, language, race, gender discrimination or economic difficulties. We want to amplify their voices and address common struggles.


Team coordination: Gea Gračner
Editorial coordination: Ipek Yüksek
Editors: Ipek, Angelos, Nikita, Loreline, Stelios, Lilli


Radio Re:volt is the broadcast from Graz by the Re:fiction Radio project.
Radio VC Mytilene is the broadcast from Lesbos by the Re:fiction Radio project.
The predecessor of these two programmes was Snapshots from the Borders from 2020 till 2022.


Ipek Yüksek
Nikita Reichelt

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