Snapshots from the Borders

We are people who are commonly called migrants and asylum seekers. We want to cross borders set by definitions and get in dialogue with communities, politics, the economy, social and cultural life.
The project informs citizens that migration is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon and a political issue that requires efforts and concrete actions by people and organisations/networks at all levels of society.
Favour Moriba,
Gea Gračner,
Joseph Nallo,
Peninah Lesorogol,
Saifullahi Abdul-razaq,
Simona Ďurišová,
Walther Moser
28. Dez 2022:
Bericht von Tag der Menschenrechte und Spielfeld
14. Dez 2022:
Fair styria day part Three
05. Dez 2022:
Interview with Welcome office
30. Nov 2022:
Fair styria day part Two
21. Nov 2022:
A challenging little Island: Interview with Alice. Pt1
16. Nov 2022:
Fair Styria Day - Part One
07. Nov 2022:
What is the Greek blues? A conversation about Rebetiko
02. Nov 2022:
Podiumdiskussion: VER-RÜCKTE MIGRANT*INNEN | 27.09.2022
24. Okt 2022:
WH: "Memento Moria" rap album "Interview" with Mo
19. Okt 2022:
WH: Translation between Cosmovisions: Socio-cultural Threats of the Samburu of Northern Kenya.
10. Okt 2022:
05. Okt 2022:
Julya Rabinowich - book reading from Sprachenfest 2022
26. Sep 2022:
"Momento Moria" -Lets's talk about rap album "Interview" with Mo
21. Sep 2022:
Repetition: Sprachenfest 2021 - this year on 22.09. in Graz
12. Sep 2022:
Migrants' Situation in the Netherlands [Radio VC]
07. Sep 2022:
Nick Acorne: "Wir wollen kein teil von Russland sein und wir wollen kein Krieg auf unsere Erde haben"
24. Aug 2022:
Amazonia Akut! at the Tribuna Festival 22
15. Aug 2022:
Amazonia Akut! at the Tribuna Festival 22
10. Aug 2022:
Indigenous Resistance against Destruction of Amazon Rainforrest
01. Aug 2022:
Indigenous Resistance against Destruction of Amazon Rainforrest
27. Jul 2022:
Threats and Challenges of Indigenous Women in the Amazon.
18. Jul 2022:
Threats and Challenges of Indigenous Women in the Amazon.
13. Jul 2022:
Peninah's Journey: Agroforestry in Samburu - Part 3 [WH]
04. Jul 2022:
Peninah's Journey: Agroforestry in Samburu - Part 2 [WH]
29. Jun 2022:
Places of Hope and Grief – Lesbos (Episode 2: Snapshots from the Borders / WH)
20. Jun 2022:
Places of Hope and Grief – Lesbos (Episode 2: Snapshots from the Borders / WH)
15. Jun 2022:
Pilotshow: Lesbos meets Graz (Episode 1)
06. Jun 2022:
Pilotshow: Lesbos meets Graz (Episode 1)
23. Mai 2022:
WH: Migrant Crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovin
25. Apr 2022:
Agroforestry in Samburu - Part 2 (Repetition)
22. Apr 2022:
Translation between cosmovisions: Socio-cultural threats of the Samburu of Northern Kenya
20. Apr 2022:
Agroforestry in Samburu - part 2
28. Mär 2022:
Journey to Samburu & Peninah´s agroforestry project
23. Mär 2022:
Peninah’s Journey to Samburu, Kenya_19. Mai 2021
28. Feb 2022:
Wiederholung: Sprachenfest #2
23. Feb 2022:
Wiederholung: Sprachenfest #1
31. Jan 2022:
Wiederholung:“Art heals the society”
26. Jan 2022:
Wiederholung: Migrant Crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina
03. Jan 2022:
Repetition: Experiences in Asyl and Housing in Austria
29. Dez 2021:
Repetition: Snapshots from Christmas - Stories told by Refuges
06. Dez 2021:
Translation of the Arabic poem
01. Dez 2021:
Sprachenfest Graz 2021 - Part 2
08. Nov 2021:
Migrant Crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina
03. Nov 2021:
Snapshots from Sprachenfest #1
11. Okt 2021:
Report from book launch 'Border Crossing Spielfeld: Grenzerfahrungen | Borderline Experiences'
13. Sep 2021:
Repetition: Snapshots from Moria and “Camp-Life”
08. Sep 2021:
Europas geteilter Himmel. Warum der Westen den Osten nicht versteht.
11. Aug 2021:
Repetition: Snapshots from Moria and “Camp-Life”
19. Jul 2021:
Repetition: Accomplishment, Asylum, Uncertainties
14. Jul 2021:
Repetition: Accomplishment, Asylum, Uncertainties
21. Jun 2021:
Artistic places = places of healing – Public debate about role of artists in society (2nd part)
16. Jun 2021:
“Art heals the society” - public debate about role of artists
24. Mai 2021:
Peninah's Journey to Samburu, Kenya
19. Mai 2021:
Peninah's Journey to Samburu, Kenya
26. Apr 2021:
Women: Struggles, Fights, Empowerment.
21. Apr 2021:
Women: Struggles, Fights, Empowerment.
29. Mär 2021:
Snapshots from Doro Blancke - Refugee Assistance [Repetition]
24. Mär 2021:
Snapshots from Doro Blancke: Lesbos - a non-place of Refuge.
01. Mär 2021:
Snapshots from Moria and "Camplife" [Repetition]
24. Feb 2021:
Snapshots from Moria and "Camp-Life"
01. Feb 2021:
Snapshots of Corona in Africa
27. Jan 2021:
Snapshots of Corona in Africa
04. Jan 2021:
Snapshots from Christmas - Stories told by Refuges
30. Dez 2020:
Snapshots from Christmas - Stories told by Refuges
07. Dez 2020:
02. Dez 2020:
09. Nov 2020:
The Passion and the Arts
04. Nov 2020:
The Passion and the Arts
12. Okt 2020:
Citizen journalists – Accomplishment, Asylum, Uncertainties
14. Sep 2020:
Importance of Networking & Education
09. Sep 2020:
Importance of Networking & Education